Michael Crossland is one of those people you meet and instantly feel like you’ve known forever. He’s unbelievably likeable, but it’s more than that - it’s something I can’t quite put my finger on but my best stab at it is this; Michael is a bit of a unicorn. He’s knowledgable without being a smarta$$. Humble without being sickly self-deprecating. Funny without being performative. Polished without being scripted. And his vulnerability, access to emotion (even when telling stories he must’ve told thousands of times at this point) and generosity of spirit is second-to-none.
Rather than having multiple degrees like the experts I often interview, Mike’s education has come from the school of life. And boy, has it delivered him some lessons. I feel so fortunate to be in a position to package him up and share him with you today.
We learn (a heap), laugh (a lot) and cry (a bit, then a bit more). I wanted to know:
[03:00] Do little things still piss Mike off, or is he too enlightened now?
[04:30] Is life happening to us or for us? Asking for a friend…
[06:40] 96% empty, 4% full. Meet baby Mike, the toughest toddler in Coffs Harbour circa 1984
[10:00] Lucky #25 - the drug trial that almost took, then saved, little Mike’s life
[13:20] ‘Forgiveness is a remarkable tool, regardless of whether they’ve asked for it’ - how to prioritise our own self worth over how others value us
[18:00] What happened when Mike got so busy trying to create an amazing life he forgot to protect the one he already had
[20:30] Are we living or just existing? Mike’s blueprint for longer, happier, healthier years
[27:00] Want the 1% life? Then we need to do the work the other 99% won’t
[27:50] Greg Norman, $10 and a can of VB
[31:40] That time Mike let down the most important woman in his life, and how he made it up to her
[35:32] Show us how to fish, don’t just give us the fish! How Mike’s charity is changing the future for families in Haiti
[41:00] Struggling to find your purpose? Maybe you’re overthinking it
[44:40] How our internal dialogue determines our day - getting micro around thoughts and language
[48:15] Let’s play a game! Casey shoots some of our most common negative thoughts at Mike and lets him Mike-ify them
[50:38] The luckiest man on Earth. How Mike and his beautiful wife were given the ultimate gift
Loved this conversation? Please share this episode with someone you care about (and tell them to grab the tissues).
Wanna watch our cute heads while we talk to you?! Enjoy us on Youtube here…
Connect with us:
⚡️ Follow Michael on Instagram here
⚡️ Buy Mike’s book Everything Will Be OK here
⚡️ Support his charity work in Haiti here
⚡️ Follow Casey on Instagram here
⚡️ Find out more about Casey’s work here
⚡️ Want more Casey? There are very limited copies of The ‘Bad’ Girl’s Guide To Better out in the wild as well as Amazon, Booktopia and Audible, or hit this link for a signed copy sent to your door
No trigger warnings on this one, but we do discuss illness and some scary health challenges. If you need support, please know Lifeline is there 24/7 on 13 11 14 or you can call 13 YARN (13 92 76). Beyond Blue is available on 1300 224 636 and you can also access their online counselling service here.
I also stumbled on this incredible resource the other day and wanted to share the details again here for anyone in need. Australia’s Griefline - free and confidential counselling and support to people experiencing grief and loss across Australia, inclusive of remote, regional, rural and metropolitan regions - on 1300 845 745 or here 24/7.
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